Osprey Custom Network 1.3.1 Downloads

The Osprey custom file format is a tab delimited text file that allows the user to load in a personal set of interactions data into the Osprey Network Visualization System. Osprey recognizes both a .txt and a .ocg extension for this file, but BioGRID will use the .txt extension for all downloads of this format. For more details on how to load an Osprey Custom Network, you can visit the Osprey documentation.

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How to Detect an Osprey Custom Network file

Osprey Custom Network Files are denoted by the extension .osprey.txt or .osprey.zip

Column Definitions

The column contents of Osprey Custom Network files should be as follows:

  1. GeneA. This is a unique identifier for interactor B such as a systematic name or an Entrez Gene ID.
  2. GeneB. This is a unique identifier for interactor B such as a systematic name or an Entrez Gene ID.
  3. ScreenNameA. A common gene name/official symbol for interactor A that will be displayed within Osprey.
  4. ScreenNameB. A common gene name/official symbol for interactor B that will be displayed within Osprey.
  5. ExperimentalSystem. One of the many Experimental Evidence Codes supported by the BioGRID.
  6. Source. First author surname of the publication in which the interaction has been shown, optionally followed by additional indicators, e.g. Stephenson A (2005)
  7. PubmedID. The pubmed ID of the publication in which the interaction has been shown.

All columns are mandatory

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osprey_custom_network_version_1.3.1.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/08 12:52 (external edit)