BioGRID ORCS Database Statistics

This page shows the latest snapshot of statistics for the BioGRID ORCS database. All previous snapshots are archived below separated by release date.

Current Build Statistics (1.1.16) - May 2024

CRISPR Screen Statistics

Organism Screens Genes Publications Cell Lines Cell Types Phenotypes
Chlorocebus sabaeus 31 21557 6 1 1 3
Drosophila melanogaster 3 13615 1 1 1 2
Homo sapiens 1735 27719 310 751 119 26
Mus musculus 189 24606 50 43 34 13
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 24 5712 3 11 1 4
ALL 1982 93209 360 801 135 28

Note: Individual organism counts listed above may total to more than the values in ALL Organisms due to some screens being counted multiple times due to cross species datasets.

2024 Updates

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orcs/statistics.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/10 00:03 by biogridadmin