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Build Statistics (2.0.25) - February 2007

Organism Experiment Type Raw Interactions Non-Redundant Interactions Unique Proteins Unique Publications
Caenorhabditis elegans PHYSICAL 4433 4433 2780 1
GENETIC 0 0 0 0
COMBINED 4433 4433 2780 1
Drosophila melanogaster PHYSICAL 22765 22489 7086 137
GENETIC 10685 3043 1198 1513
COMBINED 33450 25464 7545 1623
Homo sapiens PHYSICAL 38222 20980 7516 11941
GENETIC 3 3 6 2
COMBINED 38225 20983 7520 11943
Mus musculus PHYSICAL 395 394 211 2
GENETIC 0 0 0 0
COMBINED 395 394 211 2
Saccharomyces cerevisiae PHYSICAL 64771 40360 5310 3747
GENETIC 26679 19410 3483 4155
COMBINED 91450 57680 5425 6788
Schizosaccharomyces pombe PHYSICAL 14 8 12 6
GENETIC 12 12 10 2
COMBINED 26 19 18 7
ALL Organisms PHYSICAL 130193 88260 22689 15771
GENETIC 37376 22465 4691 5670
COMBINED 167569 108566 23267 20290

[[statistics|View the Current Database Statistics]

build_2.0.25.1271723234.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/08 12:52 (external edit)