====== BioGRID ORCS - REST Service JSON ======
The BioGRID ORCS REST Service JSON format uses the same headers as both the [[orcs:downloads:screen|Screen Format]] and the [[orcs:downloads:screen_index|Screen Index Format]] fields follow the same naming as outlined in those two pages above, with the exception that they are all capitals letters and have spacing replaced with underscores.
For example a single entry for the Screen Index may look like the following:
"SCREEN_ID": "17",
"SOURCE_ID": "26627737",
"SOURCE_TYPE": "pubmed",
"AUTHOR": "Hart T (2015)",
"SCREEN_NAME": "2-PMID26627737",
"SCORES_SIZE": "17648",
"FULL_SIZE": "17661",
"NUMBER_OF_HITS": "1696",
"SIGNIFICANCE_INDICATOR": "Score Significance",
"SIGNIFICANCE_CRITERIA": "Score.1 (Bayes Factor) > 15.47",
"THROUGHPUT": "High Throughput",
"SCREEN_TYPE": "Negative Selection",
"DURATION": "18 Days",
"MOI": "~ 0.3",
"LIBRARY": "TKO (Toronto Knockout) v1",
"METHODOLOGY": "Knockout",
"CELL_LINE": "HeLa",
"CELL_TYPE": "Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cell Line",
"PHENOTYPE": "viability",
"SCORE.1_TYPE": "Bayes Factor",
"SCORE.2_TYPE": "-",
"SCORE.3_TYPE": "-",
"SCORE.4_TYPE": "-",
"SCORE.5_TYPE": "-",
"ORGANISM_ID": "9606",
"ORGANISM_OFFICIAL": "Homo sapiens",
"NOTES": "Genes with a Bayes Factor (BF) above the threshold of 15.47 at an FDR of 5% (FDR < 0.05) were identified as fitness genes (hits) for this cell line in this CRISPR screen.",
and a single entry in the gene or screen end points might look like the following in JSON
"SCREEN_ID": "370",
"IDENTIFIER_ID": "1021",
"ORGANISM_ID": "9606",
"ORGANISM_OFFICIAL": "Homo sapiens",
"SCORE.1": "-1.24882324039",
"SCORE.2": "0",
"SCORE.3": "-",
"SCORE.4": "-",
"SCORE.5": "-",
"HIT": "YES",
If on the other hand, you are choosing the "tab" option instead of json, the formats will match identically with our primary download formats which you can find here: [[orcs:downloads]]